Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've been tagged...

Rules: You have to post the 4th picture in the 4th folder in your pictures folder. Then give a brief description before you tag a few others. So here it goes!

I was really nervous that the fourth picture in my fourth folder was going to be a bad one, but this one is really cute. This was on Chloe's birthday back in April of me, Meggie and Emily. For Chloe's birthday we went to a movie about Mummies at the movie theater down at Gateway and they have all this weird science stuff and they had these like "Bug Eye" glasses that we thought were pretty cool. Ha Ha! I LOVE MY SISTERS...AND BROTHER!!!
I tag... Taiya Brown, Karly Palmer and Whitney Larsen!

1 comment:

Lithie said...

ali this pic is freakin awesome!!!! LOL i literally started laughing out loud. i love these fun, straight up genuine pics with fam/friends that make you laugh at the memories. the one on the bottom has her bangs all smushed with her mouth wide open and it looks great! haha