So we start the trip off with our suitcases, of course! Andrew's suitcase is obviously the TINY one on the left, and mine is the BIG HUGE GIGANTIC one on the right- don't worry, I let Andrew carry mine for me and he let me carry his ;)

This is Andrew after the ride- he pooped his pants!

Mickey Love!

Family Time!

Best Sisters!

Just outside of the Soarin' Over California- we rode this ride SO many times!

The Fam inside Indian Jones!

Chloe' and the BESTEST dad in the world on Thunder Mountain!

Meggie and Coleman on Thunder Mountain!

PROOF that Andrew's tongue can touch his nose!

We went on the new Toy Story ride in California Adventure- it was really fun!

About to get wet on the Grizzly River Run!

For dinner one night we went to Andrew's version of the Celestial Kingdom- The ESPN ZONE! There were 165 TVs in this one building, with, you guessed it- SPORTS! I think this is my version of Outer Darkness... Ha Ha!

The food was really good, but we had an hour wait (normally I would NEVER wait that long, but I really though Andrew would break down and cry if we didn't eat here!) While we waited we played in the arcade on the top of the restaurant!

This is me, Meg, Andrew and Coleman on the ToWeR oF tErRoR! This was BY FAR my new favorite ride! Even after riding it like 5 times I still got nervous!

Another tOwEr Of TeRrOr pic!

Look how cute we are! Emily was still in Utah with her Drill Team, so she missed this candid moment- Sorry Em!

Cute Ears Ladies!

My Solo Shot!

We got a picture with Minnie herself!

I know this is blurry, but it looks So cute I think!

...So that was the end of Disneyland...
On Saturday (March 14) we were at the Drill Nationals all day! It was SO much fun and Andrew is the best husband for enduring 10 hours of Drill!

And the winners are... HILLCREST HIGH!!!

Need I say more... Look how many stinkin' trophies they got!

Our Little Champ!

Emily's Fan Club!

Last picture from Spring Break 2009!

1- I will be a COLLEGE GRADUATE!
2- We will be married for a whole 2 years!
3-Andrew will be almost done with his Bachelors in Business Administration
4- Elder Wesley Hyde will have been out for 20 months and almost home to grace us with his presence!
5- There might be, hopefeully, wish on my lucky stars, praying every single night, have a baby on the way!
Thanks for reading!