Poor Jackson got sick for the first time. Look at those sad red, watery eyes and little runny nose. I felt so bad, but really he is such an easy happy baby that it could have been a lot worse. I really am so lucky that he has only been sick this once- in 5 months I feel like I am pretty lucky...
5 Months Old on February 21... I won't even bother to scream TIME IS FLYING!!!
He is trying to sit up, he can sometimes if I get his legs spread just right and his belly position just right in the middle of his legs! I took a picture of him like this on my phone that is WAY cutter, but not great quality, but after I took it I set it as my background and the first time I really looked at it I cried cause I can't believe how old he is getting, like seriously it is crazy that my baby boy is eating all these foods and sitting up and o m g I just love him to death!
He all of a sudden loves to just throw his legs to the sky... so funny. If I do that for too long I'm pretty sure my legs would start shaking, but he just loves it!
Jackson loves green beans! He really is such a good eater and will eat all of his food and does SO good! I am so lucky!
He loves his squash too!
All the girls at Paige's shower! Paige, we are SO excited for this gorgeous baby girl that will be here shortly! It was so fun to throw this shower and see all of our friends from our old awesome 19th ward! I miss that ward so much...
Jackson and Emmett Rock- don't they look like they could at least be cousins? Emmett is SO dang cute- I really do hope Jackson turns out like him!
Sadly, Andrew's MBA Program does a mini study abroad over Spring Break and he is in England right now... for 10 FREAKING days! That is the longest we've ever ever ever been apart and I have been crying a lot. I am so clingy to him and always have been since day 1. On Tuesday, March 8 it will be our 3 year anniversary and he will be gone, I am so sad. I tried to pack Jackson with him, but then realized that Andrew isn't lactating so that plan didn't happen. Ha Ha!
Have a great week! LOVE YA!
Even when he was sick he still looked pretty happy! What a sweet little boy! It is so crazy how fast they are learning things! My sisters boyfriend is on the MBA England trip too and she feels the same way you do :(
boo, so bummed that I missed the shower. I would have loved to get together with all you girls, it's been way too long!
I know exactly what you mean, I hate being away from Cam!! It was fun seeing you guys the other day! Jackson is so cute and I love how he is always so happy!
O M freakin GEEE i cant get over how happy and super smiley that little jackson is! it was soooo great to see you and your wonderful family! it was nice to catch up for a bit :) and yes our boys totally could be related. i just stole those pics and will be posting them soon too, yours came out better than mine. that is sooooo great he is eating so good, yes you truly are lucky and blessed to have such a GREAT baby! you know what they say though.... that means #2 will be a monster! lol hahaha jk. ok seriously though i am SSSOOOOOO sorry your hubby is in England for our special 3 year mark!! dude! hey want me and emett to come up there to visit 2moro??? we can come do lunch during the day or grab some fro-yo, miss you and hit me up on fb or text or something. or you can come here and the boys can just play, we can totally have a play date if he is feeling better! SO SORRY he got sick :( boooo sick babies are the worst! ok this is too long i shoulda just emailed you haha. LOVE YOU!
Well Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry Andrew has to be gone - but that just means you get to make the celebration last twice as long as normal to make up for it right? :) Jackson, of course, is really cute.
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